Information for your participation

Posted by Knarvikmila UK on 7. Mai 2015

Here are some useful information for your participation in The Grate Fjord Run.

There is about 20 minute(with bus/taxi) from the airport to Bergen City.

The bus to Knarvik from Bergen goes from Bergen Bussatation.
You can also go on the bus at Bryggen.
The bus from Bergen to Knarvik goes at 0930, 1030 and 1100 on Saturday 5th.
On Sunday the bus goes from Bergen 1030 and 1100.
Return to Bergen after the race.

The bus will take you to Knarvik Senter. It is a 2-3 minute walk to

We will not send out starting numbers.
You will get the starting numbers in Nordhordlanshallen in Knarvik,
  • between 1600 and 2000 on friday 4th
  • between 0930 and 1500 on Saturday 5th
  • and 0930 to 1200 on Sunday 6th of September.

We will have a place where you can store your valuables during the race.

We will set up 5 water stops during the Half Marathon. You will also get
energy drinks and bananas.
On the 5k/10k will there also water stops.

At the finish line will there be water,energy drinks/bars, bananas
and medals.


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Last from Knarvikmila UK